New picture of officers. ***Description: GCB officers Betsy Grenevitch (At Large Representative), Marsha Farrow (Treasurer), Cecily Laney Nipper (President), Kathy Morris (Secretary). Not pictured: Marj Schneider (First Vice President), Judy Presley (Second Vice President).

Chapters and Affiliates

The Georgia Council of the Blind consists of several chapters from around the state, as well as members at large who hold no individual chapter memberships. Below is a listing of chapters and links to information about them.

Alliance On Aging and Vision Loss

2022 Officers for GCBAAVL

President, Alice Ritchhart
Contact Phone: 912=996-4213
Email: Alice.ritchhart@comcast.bnet

Vice-President, Deborah Mcdonald
Contact Phone: 229-894-5712

Secretary, Anne M cQuade
Contact Phone: 770-825-1139

Treasurer, Betsy Grenevitch
Contact Phone: 678-862-3876

Board Member, Phil Jones
Contact Phone: 770-713-3306

Board Member, Jerrie Toney
Contact Phone: 678-468-5998

How To Join GCBAAVl

Membership dues are $10.00 per year. Mail your check or money order made to the order of GCBAAVL to:
Betsy Grenevitch
3463 Saddlebrook Drive
Loganville, GA 30052


(as revised and adopted at the March 21, 2022 quarterly meetingGeorgia Council of the Blind ALLIANCE ON AGING AND VISION LOSS (GCBAAVL). BYLAWS (as revised and adopted at the March 21, 2022 quarterly meeting
BYLAW 1: Name
The name of this organization is Georgia Council of the Blind Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss, also referred to as GCBAAVL.
BYLAW 2: Purpose
The purpose of the Georgia Council of the Blind Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss is to strive to improve the well-being of adults experiencing vision loss:
A. Through a representative state membership organization primarily of people who are blind or visually impaired;
B. By advocating for the improvement of the social, economic and cultural status of adults with vision loss;
C. By providing support, information and consultation to adult blind and visually impaired individuals and their families;
D. By supporting education awareness and adult rehabilitation programs for the blind and visually impaired;
E. By cooperating with public and private institutions and agencies of and for the blind and visually impaired;
F. By providing for the free exchange of ideas, opinions and information relative to matters of interest to adults who are losing vision through the publication of an accessible newsletter and other types of material;
G. By encouraging adults losing vision to realize their potential and assume their role as valued members of the community.
BYLAW 3: Membership
The membership of GCBAAVL shall be of five (5) categories. All individuals sixteen(16) years of age or older are eligible to apply for membership.
A. Member-at-large: Any person may apply for membership to the Treasurer. Said application must be accompanied by one (1) year’s dues. A majority of these members must be blind or visually impaired.
B. Affiliated Organization: Any organization having at least five (5) voting members, the majority of whom are blind or visually impaired, may apply for affiliation with GCBAAVL. Such an application shall contain the following information: a cover letter stating the reasons for the application, a current membership list indicating those members who are legally blind and those who are voting members, and a copy of the applicant’s governing document(s) such as Bylaws. An application shall be accompanied by one (1) year’s appropriate dues. Such application must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors. To remain in good standing, the affiliated organization must comply with these requirements.
C. Sustaining Member: Any person may apply for Sustaining Membership. These individuals are non-voting supporting members.
D. Lifetime Member: Any person may apply for GCBAAVL Lifetime Membership.
E. Honorary Member: The Board of Directors may confer an Honorary Membership upon any person who, in its judgment, has given outstanding service to and for people who are blind or visually impaired.
BYLAW 4: Dues
Dues shall be paid on a calendar year basis to the Treasurer or his/her designee. Members whose dues are not paid by March 15th will be delinquent and considered not in good standing. Delinquent members’ dues must be submitted to the above designated person not later than thirty (30) days before the GCBAAVL Annual Convention, the record date, in order to qualify for the right to vote at that annual business meeting.
A. Dues for a Member-at-large shall be ten dollars ($10.00).
B. Dues for an Affiliated Organization shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per capita.
C. Dues for a Sustaining Member shall be a minimum of ten dollars ($10.00).
D. Dues for an GCBAAVL Lifetime Member shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00).
BYLAW 5: Voting
Any business brought before the membership at the quarterly business meeting or the annual business meeting shall be decided by a majority vote of those members present and voting unless otherwise stated herein.
A. Each voting member attending a business meeting shall be entitled to one (1) vote on any issue.
B. A voice vote for the ayes and nays may be called for by the presiding officer.
C. If a vote on any issue, in the opinion of the presiding officer, is too close to determine the result, the presiding officer shall have the discretion to order a record vote on the issue.
D. A record vote shall be taken by a standing vote or a show of hands by certified voting members.
E. Elections where there are contests of officers or directors must be conducted by record vote.
BYLAW 6: Board of Directors
A. The officers, directors and immediate past president of GCBAAVL shall constitute the Board of Directors, with a majority being blind or legally blind. All elected members of the Board of Directors shall assume their duties at the close of the current year’s annual meetings.
B. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of GCBAAVL between annual business meetings, provided that it shall make no policy decision and take no official action in conflict with these Bylaws. A quorum to do business shall consist of a majority of the Board of Directors.
C. The officers shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary to be elected in even-numbered years for terms of two (2) years by a majority vote cast at the business meeting. The President and Vice President must be blind or legally blind.
D. There shall be two (2) directors to be elected in odd-numbered years for terms of two (2) years by a majority vote cast at the business meeting.
E. The Recording Secretary and Treasurer shall have no limit on the number of terms elected.
F. The President, Vice President and Directors shall not be elected for more than two (2) two-year consecutive terms to the same office.
G. No member of the Board of Directors shall receive compensation for services to GCBAAVL. However, he/she may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the exercise of his/her duties, except for expenses to attend the annual convention, provided that funds are available.
H. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, the Vice President shall automatically assume the Presidency and shall serve the remainder of the term.
I. Should a vacancy occur between annual business meetings in any elected position, except in the office of President, the Board of Directors shall by a majority vote within thirty (30) days elect a member in good standing to serve in that position until the next annual business meeting, at which the membership shall elect a successor to serve for the remainder of the term. Any officer or director elected to a position under the provisions of this section shall assume the duties of that position immediately upon Board election.
J. Any officer or director elected by the membership to complete an unexpired term, who serves more than half of the assigned duration of that term, shall have the term counted as a full term served.
BYLAW 7: Powers and Duties of the Convention, Board of Directors and Committees
A. Any voting member may make or second motions, make nominations, serve on committees, and may be elected to office. To do business during the annual business meeting, a majority of those members present and voting shall constitute a quorum.
B. Officers and Directors of GCBAAVL shall perform the usual functions of their offices as prescribed by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, unless otherwise provided for herein.
1. The Recording Secretary shall furnish to each member of the Board of Directors a copy of the minutes of each Board meeting. A general summary of all official actions at the annual business meeting shall be provided in the subsequent issue of GCBAAVL’s newsletter. The Recording Secretary shall have access to a roster of certified members. A file of names and contact information of delinquent members shall be maintained by the Recording Secretary.
2. The Treasurer, in addition to the usual duties of the office, shall forward to the Recording Secretary the names and contact information of all members as received. The Treasurer shall furnish a financial report at each meeting of the Board of Directors and an annual report at the yearly business meeting.
C. The record of minutes and the financial books and records of account shall be available for an internal audit annually.
D. Committees shall be appointed by the President to serve for the following functions.
1. A Public Relations Committee, shall consist of a chairperson, the newsletter editor and two (2) additional members. The newsletter shall be published no less than twice per year in appropriate accessible formats. This Committee shall offer advice in the publication of other appropriate materials when necessary.
2. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a chairperson and no less than two (2) members. This Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for elective office which will be published prior to the annual business meeting. The chairperson shall present if necessary, a brief resume of any nominee.
3. The President shall appoint ad hoc committees as needed.
BYLAW 8: Affiliation and Meetings
A. GCBAAVL, nonprofit organization, shall be affiliated with and shall comply with the rules for membership and affiliation of the Georgia Council of the Blind.
B. An annual convention of programming and business meeting shall occur during the week of the Georgia Council of the Blind Conference and Convention.
BYLAW 9: Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended at any annual business meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members present and voting according to voting procedures contained herein, provided that both the original language and the proposed amending language shall be read. All amendments made to these Bylaws shall become effective at the close of the annual meetings of the year at which they are adopted.
Bylaw 10: Dissolution
This organization may be dissolved only at an annual business meeting by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the members present and voting. Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the corporation to the Georgia Council of the Blind, a 501(c)(3) corporation. The Board of Directors shall have the right to specify to which financial fund(s) the assets shall go.